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What is Pilates?
It is a method of exercise and physical movement created by Joseph Pilates, designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. It required regular practice of the exercises, coupled with focused breathing patterns, to give numerous benefits.
What can it do for me?
Everyone is different and responds differently according to their own needs, but here are some of the most common benefits people have enjoyed;
  • Increased lung capacity and circulation through deep, healthy breathing
  • Strength throughout the body - particularly of the abdominal muscles
  • flexibility - again, in all joints but particularly the spine
  • coordination is improved
  • Posture
  • balance
  • Bone density and joint health improve
  • many experience positive body awareness for the first time
  • possible injury prevention 
  • Injury rehabilitation
  • social connections and fun!
Pilates teaches balance and control of the mind and body and that capacity spills over into other areas of your life.
Where do I teach?
  • In person from my home studio 1-1 and duet sessions
  • In person small group classes in Overton village 
  • Online live classes 
  • Online pre recorded on demand video library


Where do i start?
Get in touch! Send me an email and I'll book a call in with you to introduce myself and get to know more about you and your goals and needs. 



“The pilates method of conditioning is complete

coordination of mind, body and spirit

– Joseph Pilates

To book on to any live group classes, 1-1's, or duets in the studio you need to email SIMPLY LOVE PILATES at - or click the email button below. This is to ensure your suitability to take part and that there is availability in classes as spaces are limited. Class sizes are kept small for several reasons; it's more personal, there is more time to give to each person, to assist each individual properly, this allows for much quicker progression in your practice. SIMPLY LOVE PILATES is passionate about helping you to meet your specific needs and goals. You will also be offered a free call prior to starting then you will have a short online health questionnaire to fill in. 






My background is in Theatre and Dance originally, but after a serious dance injury was unable to continue down that path. I was referred to a Pilates studio to help rehabilitate my body. I saw, and experienced first hand, what the Pilates Method could do to a body, it was there that I knew I would never be without Pilates in my life. I am fascinated by the body and how movement makes you feel, and I'm particularly passionate

about sharing the magic of Pilates!


My training was originally with The Pilates Institute, London (2010), with subsequent trainings, workshops and annual conferences with; JPilates, APPI (Australian Pilates and Physiotherapy Institute), The Garuda Yoga and Pilates Studio, London, A Celebration of Movement and The Classical Pilates Convention London. After much self development, self practice and further study I now teach Pilates in a Classical way; which means teaching as close as possible to the original work of Joseph Pilates. I am so proud and excited to continue to share his work in this way.​

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